Consulting Services, Expertise, Publications
Evaluation & Remediation/Management of Water Quality Impacts of
Hazardous Chemicals, PCBs & Superfund Sites
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Our Expertise in Impacts of Hazardous Chemical &
Superfund Sites
Brownfield Sites Issues in Protection of Public Health & Environmental Quality
Our PCB Experience Evaluation & Management of PCBs in the Environment - Sources, Transport, History, Research

Dr. Lee's Related Publications:
Downloadable copies are available in these areas:

Environmental Quality Issues

US EPA OnLine Discussion “PFOA, PFOS and Other PFAS, Basic Information on PFAS” as available on July 13 (2021) [109kb]

Lee, G. F., and Jones-Lee, A., “Issues in Providing Long Term Public Health and Environmental Protection from Redeveloped Brownfield Properties,” Report of G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, November 1 (2010). [36 kb]

Lee, G. F., and Jones-Lee, A., “Issues in Monitoring Hazardous Chemicals in Stormwater Runoff/Discharges from Superfund and Other Hazardous Chemical Sites,” Journ. Remediation 20(2):115-127 Spring (2010). [7,252 kb] (Expanded discussion provided in "Monitoring Pollutants in Stormwater Runoff from Superfund Sites and Other Locations" Report - see following listing.)

Lee, G. F., and Jones-Lee, A., “Monitoring Pollutants in Stormwater Runoff from Superfund Sites and Other Locations,” Report of G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, November 19 (2009). [66 kb]

Lee, G.F., and Jones-Lee, A., “TCLP Not Reliable for Evaluation of Potential Public Health and Environmental Hazards of PCBs or Other Chemicals in Wastes: Unreliability of Cement-Based Solidification/Stabilization of Wastes,” Report of G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, September (2009). [76 kb]

Lee, G. F. and Jones, R. A., “Redevelopment of Remediated Superfund Sites: Problems with Current Approaches in Providing Long-Term Public Health Protection,” Proc. Environmental Engineering 1991 Specialty Conference, ASCE, New York, pp. 505-510, July (1991). [27K]

Lee, G. F., and Jones-Lee, A., “Disposal of Contaminated Sediments/Soils in MSW Landfills: Need to Consider the True Cost,” Journ. Remediation 15(3):95-101 (2005). [28kb]

Veith, G., and Lee, G. F., “A Review of Chlorinated Biphenyl Contamination in Natural Waters,” Water Research 4:265-269 (1970). [2,691 kb]

Veith, G., and Lee, G. F., “PCBs in Fish from the Milwaukee Region,” Proc. 14th Conf. Great Lakes Res., Internat. Assoc. Great Lakes Res. pp. 157-169 (1971). [6,440 kb]

Veith, G., and Lee, G. F., “Chlorobiphenyls (PCBs) in the Milwaukee River,” Water Research 5:1107-1115 (1971). [4,156 kb]

Dube, D. J., Veith, G. D., and Lee, G. F., “Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Treatment Plant Effluents,” Journ. Water Pollut. Control Fed. 46:966-972 (1974). [3,321 kb]

Lee, G. F., “Experience in Working with PCB Pollution Issues,” Report of G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA (2014). [52 kb]

Lee, G. F., and Jones-Lee, A., “Disposal of Contaminated Sediments/Soils in MSW Landfills: Need to Consider the True Cost,” Journ. Remediation 15(3):95-101 (2005). [28 kb]

Lee, G. F. and Jones-Lee, A., “Evaluation of the Potential Water Quality Impacts of Dust Suppressants,” Report prepared for Expert Panel on the Potential Environmental Impacts of Dust Suppressants, organized by the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Department of Civil Engineering, January (2004). [39 kb]

Lee, G. F. and Jones-Lee, A., “Improving Public Health and Environmental Protection Resulting from Superfund Site Investigation/Remediation,” Journ. Remediation 14(2):33-53, Spring (2004). [91 kb]

Lee, G. F. and Jones-Lee, A., “Superfund Site Remediation by Landfilling - Overview of Landfill Design, Operation, Closure and Postclosure Care Issues,” Journ. Remediation 14(3):65-91, Summer (2004). [397 kb]

Lee, G. F., “Improving the Quality of Science/Engineering in Superfund Site Science/Engineering in Superfund Site Investigation & Remediation II,” PowerPoint Presentation at the US EPA National Superfund Technical Assistance Grant (TAG) Workshop, Albuquerque, NM, February (2003). [1,000 kb]

Lee, G. F., “Comments on US EPA Draft ‘Contaminated Sediment Remediation Guidance for Hazardous Waste Sites,’ Dated November 2002,” Comments Submitted to the US EPA, Washington, D.C. by G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, March 24 (2003).

Lee, G.F., and Taylor, S., “Proposed Soil Lead Management Criteria as Part of Caltrans Highway Construction and Maintenance,“ Prepared for California Department of Transportation Environmental Program, Submitted to Robert Bein, William Frost & Associates, Irvine, CA, June 1998. [128 kb]

Lee, G.F. and Jones-Lee, A., “Evaluation of the Adequacy of Hazardous Chemical Site Remediation by Landfilling,” In: Remediation of Hazardous Waste Contaminated Soils, Marcel Dekker, Inc., NY pp 193-215 (2000). [214 kb]

Lee, G.F., and Jones-Lee, A., “Evaluation of Surface Water Quality Impacts of Hazardous Chemical Sites,” Journ. Remediation 9:87-118, (1999). [90 kb]

Lee, G.F. and Jones-Lee, A., “Stormwater Runoff Water Quality Evaluation and Management Program for Hazardous Chemical Sites: Development Issues,” Superfund Risk Assessment in Soil Contamination Studies: Third Volume, ASTM STP 1338, American Society for Testing and Materials, pp. 84-98 (1998). [100 kb]

Lee, G.F., and Jones-Lee, A., “Hazardous Chemical Site Remediation Through Capping: Problems with Long Term Protection,” Journ. Remediation 7(4):51-57 (1997). [27 kb]

Lee, G. F., “Redevelopment of Brownfield Properties: Future Property Owners/Users Proceed with Your Eyes Open,” Environmental Progress 16(4):W3 (1997). [19 kb]

Lee, G. F., and Jones-Lee, A., “Superfund Site Remediation by On-Site RCRA Landfills: Inadequacies in Providing Groundwater Quality Protection,” Proc. Environmental Industry Association's Superfund/Hazwaste Management West Conference, Las Vegas, NV, pp. 311-329, May (1996). [46 kb]

Lee, G. F. and Jones-Lee, A., “Does Meeting Cleanup Standards Mean Protection of Public Health and the Environment?” IN: Superfund XV Conference Proc., Hazardous Materials Control Resources Institute, Rockville, MD, pp. 531-540 (1994). [58 kb]

Lee, G. F. and Jones-Lee, A., “Importance of Considering Soil-Lead in Property Site Assessments," Presented at National Ground Water Association Conference,” Environmental Site Assessments: Case Studies and Strategies," Orlando, FL, August (1992). [161 kb]

Lee, G. F., and Jones, R.A., “Is Hazardous Waste Disposal in Clay Vaults Safe?” Journ. American Water Works Association 76:66-73 (1984). [6,788 kb]

Lee, G.F. and Jones, R.A., “Application of Site-Specific Hazard Assessment Testing to Solid Wastes,” IN: Hazardous Solid Waste Testing, ASTM STP 760, American Society for Testing and Materials, pp. 331-344, (1981). [5,480 kb]

Lee, G.F. and Jones, R.A., “A Risk Assessment Approach for Evaluating the Environmental Significance of Chemical Contaminants in Solid Wastes,” IN: Environmental Risk Analysis for Chemicals, Van Nostrand, New York, pp. 529-549 (1982). [172 kb]

Saleh, F. Y. and Lee, G. F., “Analytical Methodology for Kepone in Water and Sediment,” Environ. Sci. & Technol. 12:297-301 (1978). [2,588 kb]

Green, W. J., Lee, G. F., Jones, R. A. and Palit, T., “Interaction of Clay-Soils with Water and Organic Solvents: Implications for the Disposal of Hazardous Wastes,” Environ. Sci. & Technol. 17(5):278-282 (1983). [3,107 kb]

Lee, G.F., and Jones-Lee, A., “Appropriate Monitoring/Evaluation of Stormwater Runoff from Superfund Sites,” Submitted for publication in the DOE ‘Risk Excellence Notes,’ available as Report of G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, May (2000). [8 kb]

Lee, G. F., “Comments on DTSC's 'Notice of Scoping' for the Proposed Revisions of the California Hazardous Waste Classification System,” letter to M. Gillette, Department of Toxic Substances Control, Sacramento, CA, (1998). [19 kb]

Lee, G. F. and Jones, R. A., “Evaluation of Adequacy of Site Remediation for Redevelopment: Site Assessment at Remediated - Redeveloped ‘Superfund’ Sites,” Proc. 1991 Environmental Site Assessments Case Studies and Strategies, Association of Ground Water Scientists and Engineers-NWWA, Dublin, OH, pp. 823-837, (1991). [765 kb]

Lee, G. F., “Management of Hazardous Wastes: Issues in Mexico,” Presented at International Conference, “Foro Ciudadano Sobre Desechos Toxicos,” San Luis Potosi, SLP, Mexico, August (1995). [13 kb]

Lee, G.F. and R. Anne Jones, “Technical Report: Preliminary Assessment of ‘Superfund’ Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study Activities Completed and Projected and Adequacy of Remediation Program for Clean-Up of Chemical Contamination at SPTC Sacramento Railyard Site,” Report of G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, October (1990). [121 kb]

Lee, G. F., and Jones, R. A., “Guidelines for Sampling Groundwater,” Journ. Water Pollut. Control Fed. 55(1):92-96 (1983). [138 kb]

Jones-Lee, A., and Lee, G. F., “Overview of Issues in Evaluating Remediation of a PCB-Polluted Waterbody,” Report of G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, April 22 (2015). [288 kb]

Lee, G. F., “Experience in Working with PCB Pollution Issues,” Report of G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA (2014). [52 kb]

Lee, G.F., and Jones-Lee, A., “TCLP Not Reliable for Evaluation of Potential Public Health and Environmental Hazards of PCBs or Other Chemicals in Wastes: Unreliability of Cement-Based Solidification/Stabilization of Wastes,” Report of G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, September (2009). [76 kb]

Lee, G. F. and Jones-Lee, A., “Progress toward Remediation of the Sydney Tar Ponds: A Major Canadian PCB/PAH ‘Superfund’ Site,” Journ. Remediation 17(1):111-119 (2006). [182 kb]

Veith, G., and Lee, G. F., “A Review of Chlorinated Biphenyl Contamination in Natural Waters,” Water Research 4:265-269 (1970). [2,691 kb]

Veith, G., and Lee, G. F., “PCBs in Fish from the Milwaukee Region,” Proc. 14th Conf. Great Lakes Res., Internat. Assoc. Great Lakes Res. pp. 157-169 (1971). [6,440 kb]

Veith, G., and Lee, G. F., “Chlorobiphenyls (PCBs) in the Milwaukee River,” Water Research 5:1107-1115 (1971). [4,156 kb]

Lee, G. F., “An Appraisal of the PCB Situation in the State of Wisconsin,” Report of Water Chemistry Program, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Wisconsin, Madison, October 15 (1971). [61 kb]

Dube, D. J., Veith, G. D., and Lee, G. F., “Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Treatment Plant Effluents,” Journ. Water Pollut. Control Fed. 46:966-972 (1974). [3,321 kb]

Veith, G., “Baseline Concentrations of Polychlorinated Biphenyls and DDT in Lake Michigan Fish, 1971,” Pesticides Monitoring Journ. 9(1):21-29 June (1975). [2,136 kb]

Lee, G. F., Jones-Lee, A., and Ogle, R. S., “Preliminary Assessment of the Bioaccumulation of PCBs and Organochlorine Pesticides in Lumbriculus variegatus from City of Stockton Smith Canal Sediments, and Toxicity of City of Stockton Smith Canal Sediments to Hyalella azteca,” Report to the DeltaKeeper and the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board, G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, July (2002). [491 kb]

Peterman, P., Delfino, J., Dube, D., Gibson, T., Priznar, F., “Chloro-Organic Compounds in the Lower Fox River, Wisconsin,” IN: Afghan, B., and Mackay, D. (eds), Hydrocarbons and Halogenated Hypdrocarbons in the Aquatic Environment, Plenum Publishing, New York, pp.145-160 (1980). [8,199 kb]

Peterman, P., and Delfino, J., “Identification of Isopropylbiphenyl, Alkyl Diphenylmethanes, Diisopropylnaphthalene, Linear Alkyl Benzenes and Other Polychlorinated Biphenyl Replacement Compounds in Effluents, Sediments and Fish in the Fox River System, Wisconsin,” Biomedical and Environmental Mass Spectrometry 19:755-770 (1990). [11,359 kb]
Mining Waste Impacts

Lee, G. F., and Jones-Lee, A., “Summary of Experience in Evaluating/Managing the Environmental Impacts of Mining and Mineral Processing, Including Restoration of Abandoned Mines.“
LEHR Superfund Site
Additional reports are available on LEHR Superfund Site Webpage

Lee, G. F., and Jones-Lee, A., “Issues in Monitoring Hazardous Chemicals in Stormwater Runoff/Discharges from Superfund and Other Hazardous Chemical Sites,” Journ. Remediation 20(2):115-127 Spring (2010). [7,252 kb] [Expanded Discussion in Report listed below.]

Lee, G. F., and Jones-Lee, A., “Monitoring Pollutants in Stormwater Runoff from Superfund Sites and Other Locations,” Report of G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, November 19 (2009). [66 kb]

Lee, G. F., and Jones-Lee, A., “Mercury Pollution of Putah Creek Fish at the City of Davis South Fork Preserve Area,” Report to DSCSOC by G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, February 9 (2010). [119 kb]

Lee, G. F., and Jones-Lee, A., “Summary Putah Creek Mercury Water Quaity Issues,” Report of G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, December (2008). [620 kb]

Lee, G. F., and Jones-Lee, A, “LEHR Superfund Stormwater Runoff and Putah Creek Mercury Issues,” Journ. Remediation 19(2):123-134, Spring (2009). [8,706 kb]

Lee, G. F., “Issues in Assessing the Effectiveness of US EPA’s Presumptive Remedy for UCD LEHR Superfund Site Landfills in Protecting Groundwaters from Pollution by Landfill Wastes,” Report to Davis South Campus Superfund Oversight Committee by G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, September (2006). [45 kb]

Lee, G. F., “Comments on Establishing Institutional Controls for the LEHR Superfund Site,” Report of G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, June 23 (2006). [147 kb]

Lee, G. F., “DSCSOC’s Community Acceptance Criteria - LEHR Superfund Site, UC Davis Campus,” G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, June (2006) [16kb]

Lee, G. F. and Jones-Lee, A., “Improving Public Health and Environmental Protection Resulting from Superfund Site Investigation/Remediation,” Journ. Remediation 14(2):33-53, Spring (2004). [91kb]

Lee, G.F. and Jones-Lee, A., “Improved Public Health and Environmental Protection Resulting from Superfund Site Investigation/Remediation: UCD/DOE LEHR Superfund Site Davis, California,” Technical Advisors to Davis South Campus Superfund Oversight Committee, DSCSOC, Presented at US EPA National TAG Conference Nashville, TN, September 15-16 (2000). [32k]

Lee, G.F., “Comments on Tentative Revised Waste Discharge Requirements for the University of California Davis (UCD) Class III Landfill, Yolo County, Dated June 2, 2000,” submitted to Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board, Sacramento, CA, July 5, 2000 [212k].

Lee, G.F., “Summary of Putah Creek Mercury Bioaccumulation Issues,” Report prepared for Cache Creek Mercury Group, by G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, May 25 (1999) [23 kb]

Lee, G.F., “Excessive Mercury Bioaccumulation in Putah Creek Fish,” G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, October (1998). [75 kb]

Lee, G.F., “Comments on the US Department of Health and Human Services Public Health Service Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry Draft Health Consultation ‘Fish Sampling of Putah Creek (Phase II)’ for the LEHR National Superfund Site date September 16, 1998,” submitted to DSCSOC, Davis, CA, October 24 (1998).

Lee, G.F., “Stormwater Runoff and Wastewater Discharge Monitoring Program for the UCD/DOE LEHR National Superfund Site,” Report of G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, September (1998). [34k]

Lee, G. F., “Chloroform Maximum Contaminant Levels for Polluted Groundwaters,” Report to the Davis South Campus Superfund Oversight Committee, Davis, CA, October (1995). [750 kb]

Lee, G. F., “Overview of LEHR Superfund Site Investigation and Remediation: The Public's Perspective,” Presentation to DSCSOC LEHR national Superfund site Town Meeting, October (1996). [90 kb]

Lee, G. F., “Environmental Pollution at the UCD - DOE LEHR National Superfund Site & Its Implications for Adverse Impacts on Public Health, Environment, and Groundwater Resources: A Status Report,” Report of G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA (1996). [799 kb]
Sacramento Railyard Site

Lee, G. F., and Jones-Lee, A., “Comments on Pollution Investigation/Remediation Activities at SPTCo/Union Pacific Sacramento Railyard Site,” Comments provided to DTSC, Sacramento, CA, by G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, March 18 (2013). [34 kb]

Lee, G. F., and Jones-Lee, A., “Comments on Draft EIR for the Southern Pacific Railyard Site Sacramento, California Redevelopment Project,” Submitted by G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, September (1992). [2,572 kb]

Lee, G. F., and Jones, A., “Review of Southern Pacific Railyard Site Investigation, Remediation, and Redevelopment,” Slides for presentation to City of Sacramento Department of Planning & Development, Report of G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA (1990). [21 kb]

Lee, G. F., and Jones, A., “Evaluation of the Adequacy of "Superfund" Site Investigation & Remediation Relative to Site Redevelopment Southern Pacific Sacramento Railyard Site Issues of Soil-Lead Residues in Property Transfer,” Slides for presentation to City of Sacramento Department of Planning & Development, Report of G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA (1990). [14 kb]

Lee, G. F. and Jones, R. A., “Review of Southern Pacific Railyard Site Investigation, Remediation, and Redevelopment,” Report to City of Sacramento, CA Department of Planning and Development, Sacramento, CA, by G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, October (1990). [23,057 kb]

Lee, G. F., and Jones-Lee, A., “Redevelopment of Remediated Superfund Sites: Problems with Current Approaches in Providing Long-Term Public Health Protection,” PowerPoint Slices of Presentation to City of Sacramento Department of Planning & Development, G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, October (1990). [105 kb]

Lee, G. F., and Jones, R.A., “Preliminary Assessment of ‘Superfund’ Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study Activities Completed and Projected and Adequacy of Remediation Program for Clean-Up of Chemical Contamination at SPTC Sacramento Railyard Site: Technical Report,” Report to City of Sacramento Department of Planning & Development, by G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, October 7 (1990). [8,336 kb]

Lee, G. F. and Jones, R. A., “Redevelopment of Remediated Superfund Sites: Problems with Current Approaches in Providing Long-Term Public Health Protection,” Proc. Environmental Engineering 1991 Specialty Conference, ASCE, New York, pp. 505-510, July (1991). [27 kb]
Lava Cap Mine Superfund Site

Lee, G. F., “Comments Regarding July 14, 2010 Abandoned Mine Land (AML),” Forum meeting on Lava Cap Mine Superfund Site investigation/remediation, Submitted to S. Reeves, CA Department of Conservation, Office of Mine Reclamation, July 21 (2010). [18 kb].

Lee, G. F., and Jones-Lee, A., “Disposal of Contaminated Sediments/Soils in MSW Landfills: Need to Consider the True Cost,” Journ. Remediation 15(3):95-101 (2005). [28 kb]

Lee, G. F., “Comments on US EPA Lava Cap Mine Superfund Site Document, ‘US EPA Proposes Cleanup Plan for Mine Area Operable Unit,’ Dated February 2004,” Submitted to SYRCL by G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, March (2004). [45 KB]

Lee, G. F., “Comments on February 11, 2004, US EPA Region IX Response to Comments from G. Fred Lee, PhD, DEE, on the Lava Cap Mine Superfund Site Mine Area Feasibility Study,” Submitted to SYRCL by G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, March (2004). [43 kb]

Lee, G. F., “Review of the Draft Mine Area Feasibility Study for the Lava Cap Mine Superfund Site, Nevada City, California, Prepared by CH2M Hill for the US EPA Region 9, Dated October 2003,” Submitted to SYRCL by G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, November (2003). [40 kb]

Lee, G. F., “Review of the Lava Cap Mine NPL Superfund Site,” Presentation made at the Abandoned Mine Lands Forum, Sacramento, CA, May 15 (2003). [13,000 kb]

Lee, G. F., “Comments on the ARARs for the Lava Cap Mine Superfund Site,” Submitted to the US EPA Region 9 San Francisco, CA, by G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, April (2003). [149 kb]

Lee, G. F., “Comments on US EPA Reports and Correspondence on the Lava Cap Mine Superfund Site,” Submitted to SYRCL, Nevada City, CA, January (2003). [238 kb]

Lee, G. F., “Followup to US EPA Meeting on Remediation Approaches for the Lava Cap Mine Superfund Site Lost Lake Area,” Comments submitted to SYRCL, Nevada City, CA, January (2003). [16 kb]

Lee, G. F., “Comments on US EPA Lava Cap Mine Superfund Site 2002 Data Reports,” Submitted to SYRCL, Nevada City, CA, January (2003). [7 kb]

Lee, G.F., and Jones-Lee, A., “Occurrence of Public Health and Environmental Hazards and Potential Remediation of Arsenic-Containing Soils, Sediments, Surface Water and Groundwater at the Lava Cap Mine NPL Superfund Site in Nevada County, California,” Proc. Fifth International Conference on Arsenic Exposure and Health Effects, San Diego, CA, July 2002, Society for Environmental Geochemistry and Health, Elsevier Science, Inc., pp. 79-91 (2003). [1,250 kb]

Lee, G.F., “Initial Review of the Lava Cap Mine Superfund Site Investigation,” Presented at US EPA Lava Cap Mine Superfund Site Community Meetings, Grass Valley & Nevada City, CA, November 13-14 (2001). [71 kb]

Lee, G.F., “Comments on Preliminary Draft Feasibility Study for the Lava Cap Mine Superfund Site, Nevada County, California, Prepared by CH2M Hill January 2002,” submitted by G.F. Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, March (2002). [40 kb]

Lee, G.F., “Comments on Public Release Draft Remedial Investigation Report Lava Cap Mine Superfund Site Nevada County, California Volume 1 Prepared by CH2M Hill, Inc., for the US EPA Region IX, November 2001,” submitted by G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, March (2002). [105 kb]

Lee, G. F., “Comments on Public Release Draft Remedial Investigation Report, Lava Cap Mine Superfund Site, Nevada County, California,” Report submitted to SYRCL, Nevada City, CA, and the US EPA Region IX, San Francisco, CA, December (2001). [106 kb]

Lee, G.F., “Comments on Final Draft Ecological Risk Assessment for the Lava Cap Mine Superfund Site (Undated),” Report G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, August 22 (2001). [84 kb]

Lee, G.F., “Initial Assessment of Public Health Risks Associated with the Lava Cap Mine Superfund Site,” Report G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, July 14 (2001). [61 kb]

Lee, G.F., “Comments on Draft Human Health Risk Assessment Report for the Lava Cap Mine Superfund Site, Nevada County, California Prepared by CH2M Hill, Inc. Dated April 2001,” G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, June 25 (2001). [120 kb]
Sydney Tar Ponds

Lee, G. F., “Unreliable/Inadequate Information on the Efficacy of Solidification/ Stabilization of Sydney Tar Pond Sediments,” Report of G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, February (2007). [31 kb]

Lee, G. F., “Comments on Joint Review Panel Environmental Assessment Report - Sydney Tar Ponds and Coke Ovens Sites Remediation Project,” Report of G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, July (2006). [28 kb]

Lee, G. F., “Comments on, 'Remediation of Sydney Tar Ponds and Coke Ovens Sites Environmental Impact Statement, Sydney, Nova Scotia,' dated December 2005,” Report of G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, USA, May 15 (2006). [344 kb]

Lee, G. F., “Assessment of the Adequacy & Reliability of the STPA Proposed Approach for Remediation of the Sydney Tar Ponds’ Sediments,” Presentation to the Sydney Tar Ponds and Coke Ovens Sites Remediation Project Joint Review Panel, Sydney, Nova Scotia, CANADA, PowerPoint Slides; G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, May 15 (2006). [411 kb]

Lee, G. F., “Update on the Remediation of the Sydney Tar Ponds: Potential Health Effects of Offsite Odor Problems,” Report of G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, November (2009). [37 kb]

Lee, G. F. and Jones-Lee, A., “Progress toward Remediation of the Sydney Tar Ponds: A Major Canadian PCB/PAH ‘Superfund’ Site,” Journ. Remediation 17(1):111-119 (2006). [182 kb]
Brisbane Baylands

Lee, G. F., and Jones-Lee, A., “Report on the Adequacy of the Investigation/Remediation of the Brisbane Baylands UPC Property Contamination Relative to Development of That Property,” PowerPoint Slides for Presentation prepared for Brisbane Baylands Community Advisory Group (BBCAG), Brisbane, CA, October 19 (2010). [689 kb]

Lee, G. F., and Jones-Lee, A., “Report on the Adequacy of the Investigation/Remediation of the Brisbane Baylands UPC Property Contamination Relative to Development of That Property,” Prepared for Brisbane Baylands Community Advisory Group (BBCAG), Brisbane, CA, Report of G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, November 1 (2010). [1,150 kb]
Other Hazardous Chemical Sites

Lee, G. F., and Jones-Lee, A., “Comments on ‘US Gypsum Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Development of the US Gypsum Proposed Wallboard Plant to Be Located on Port of Stockton West Complex,’” Comments submitted to Lozeau/Drury, Alameda, CA by G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, December 15 (2008). [76 kb]

Lee, G. F., “Comments on January 13, 2004, Draft Preliminary Problem Formulation Technical Memorandum for the West Branch of the Grand Calumet River, Lake County, Indiana, Prepared by Tetra Tech for the US Fish and Wildlife Service,” Comments Submitted to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on behalf of the Sanitary District of Hammond, Indiana, by G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, February (2004). [56 kb]

Lee, G. F., Jones-Lee, A., and Ogle, R. S., “Preliminary Assessment of the Bioaccumulation of PCBs and Organochlorine Pesticides in Lumbriculus variegatus from City of Stockton Smith Canal Sediments, and Toxicity of City of Stockton Smith Canal Sediments to Hyalella azteca,” Report to the DeltaKeeper and the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board, G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, July (2002). [491 kb]