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Summary of G. Fred Lee & Associates is a specialty environmental quality consulting firm of which Drs. G. Fred Lee and Anne Jones-Lee are the principals. Through this firm they assist clients in the evaluation and management of impacts of chemical contaminants on water quality, aquatic life, and public health. This work includes problems associated with water supply water quality, water and wastewater treatment, control of water pollution in fresh and marine waters and groundwaters, and solid and hazardous waste impact evaluation and management. Their expertise and experience extend to work on impacts of chemical contaminants in fresh waters, marine and estuarine waters, sediments, saturated and unsaturated groundwater, and on solid and hazardous waste evaluation and management. Dr.Lee earned his BA degree in environmental health science from San Jose State College in San Jose, CA in 1955. He earned a Master of Science in Public Health degree in 1957 from the School of Public Health at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill with emphasis on environmental science and environmental chemistry. The focus of his work there was water quality evaluation and management for the protection of public health and environmental quality from chemical constituents and pathogenic organisms. Dr. Lee earned his PhD degree in environmental engineering from Harvard University in 1960. A major area of his specialization there was aquatic chemistry, which focused on the transport, fate, transformation, and control of chemical constituents in aquatic (surface and groundwater) and terrestrial systems, as well as in waste management facilities. Additional information on his academic background is available at www.gfredlee.com/Education/GFL-Education.pdf. For 30 years Dr. Lee held graduate-level faculty positions, teaching and conducting research in departments of civil and environmental engineering at several major US universities, including the University of Wisconsin, Madison (Professor of Water Chemistry, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering; Director, Water Chemistry Program), University of Texas at Dallas (Professor of Environmental Engineering & Sciences; developed and Director of the Center for Environmental Studies), Colorado State University, and the New Jersey Institute of Technology (Distinguished Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering; Director Site Assessment & Remedial Action Division of Cooperative Center for Research in Hazardous & Toxic Substances). During that time he conducted more than $5 million in research and published approximately 500 professional papers and reports based on his investigations. In 1989, he relinquished his position as Distinguished Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering to expand his part-time consulting into a full-time endeavor. Dr. Lee frequently presents lectures and conference sessions in the areas of his expertise. He is a registered professional engineer in the state of Texas, a Board Certified Environmental Engineer in the American Academy of Environmental Engineers, and a Fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Dr. Jones-Lee earned a BS degree in biology in 1973 from Southern Methodist University in Dallas, TX. She earned MS and PhD degrees (1978) in environmental science from the University of Texas at Dallas where she focused on aquatic toxicology and aquatic biology. Dr. Jones-Lee taught and conducted research in graduate university environmental engineering programs for 11 years prior to relinquishing her tenured Associate Professorship in Civil and Environmental Engineering in 1989 to join Dr. Lee in full-time consulting. Dr. Lee's background in aquatic chemistry, environmental engineering, and public health, combined with Dr. Jones-Lee's background in aquatic toxicology and aquatic biology, creates a unique depth and breadth of expertise to offer to clients in identifying, assessing, managing, and preventing environmental quality problems. For more than 30 years Drs. Lee and Jones-Lee have been an effective team, working with governmental agencies, industry, citizens' groups, and others in developing technically valid, cost-effective approaches for managing contaminants in aquatic and terrestrial systems. They have published more than 1,100 professional papers and reports on their research results and professional experience. Links to additional information on Drs. Lee and Jones-Lee's qualifications in specific areas of water quality and solid and hazardous waste evaluation and management are available in the box below. Summaries of the following aspects of their work are also available:
Information about the expertise and experience of Drs. Lee and Jones-Lee in the following specific aspects of environmental quality is available by clicking on the topic area below.