ATSDR Fish Study Report Status Update
June 1, 1998
Dear RPMs and interested stakeholders:
ATSDR has received all the data from the fish survey conducted in Putah Creek last October and November. We had analyzed the data and drafted our, report (a health consultation) and it is currently undergoing internal review. We hope to release the report by the end of June.
Based on the preliminary analysis, we DO NOT plan to recommend a health advisory for Putah Creek.
I apologize for the long time this project is taking. Please feel free to contact me if you wish to discuss our findings. However, I do not wish to release any data until it comes out with our report.
Thank you.
Bill Taylor
p.s. - I requested an e-mail roster from Susan Fields so that I could include more of you in this type of communication. Susan provided me with a copy of the LEHR RPM Meeting Attendance Register dated April 15, 1998. If you would like me to remove your name from this e-mail group code, or if you know of anyone I have missed, please let me know. (I will add Duncan Austin when I learn that he has e-mail!) Thank you.