Comments on ATSDR Phase II Fish Study
Davis South Campus Superfund Oversight Committee
Rt. 2 Box 2879
Davis, CA 95616
Ph. 530 753-9446
Fax. 530 753-8220
e-mail [email protected]
October 4, 1998
Dr. William Taylor
1600 Clifton Road. MS E-56
Atlanta, GA 30333
Dear Bill:
I have attached my comments on ATSDR's Phase II fish study for DSCSOC. Dr. G. Fred Lee, DSCSOC's technical advisor, will submit comments separately.
I have some information which maybe of interest to ATSDR. I have been informed that Monticello Dam was built in 1958. If I understood Darrell Slotten's, UCD, discussion at DSCSOC's Town Meeting, no mercury has moved from Lake Berryessa since the dam was built.
Thank you again for participating in DSCSOC's Town Meeting.
If you have any questions, please contact me.
Julie Roth, Ex. Dir.
Davis South Campus Superfund Oversight Committee
Davis, CA 95616
fax 530-753-8220
e-mail [email protected]
September 30, 1998
Dr. William Taylor
1300 Clifton Dr.
Atlanta, GA 30333
Re: ATSDR's Phase II Fish Study
Dear Bill,
I have reviewed ATSDR's Phase II Fish Study and wish to thank ATSDR for conducting the second fish study as part of the Public Health Risk Assessment for the DOE-UCD LEHR Superfund site on the UC Davis campus. I also wish to thank you for discussing the health hazard associated with mercury in Putah Creek fish to the Davis community's attention at DSCSOC's Town Meetings. The mercury hazard in the creek has been ignored prior to ATSDR's studies. It would be wonderful if this community looked upon ATSDR's studies as the catalyst to cleanup Putah Creek. I think the most effective way to protect the fish, the public's health and our environment is to eliminate the mercury source(s) and post the creek warning the public not to eat fish form the creek. Also an effort to try to inform pregnant-nursing women about the hazards of eating fish taken form the creek should be undertaken.
There may be several sources of excessive mercury in Putah Creek fish; it is time to investigate and control the source (s). Citizens should be able to enjoy their waterways without risk. A source investigation must include the UCD campus and LEHR site stormwater runoff and the UCD campus wastewater treatment plant discharge to Putah Creek. Mercury is one of the LEHR COC's which is present at the site and may be contributing to the bioaccumulation in Putah Creek's large mouth bass and other fish.
The University of California, Davis should conduct a study to see if any of UCD's numerous discharges to Putah Creek are impacting or contributing to the mercury problems. Some members of this community have asked that UCD conduct a reliable and independent cumulative impact study of all of its discharges to the creek without success. UCD is the only discharger to Putah Creek in this area. If UCD wants to use Putah Creek as its own private sewer than UCD must take whatever actions are necessary to protect the pubic who use the creek.
Members of the public, who are not of child bearing age, may not pay attention to warnings for pregnant or child bearing age women and may unknowing provide fish to women who are at risk. If members of the public saw a sign warning them of the hazard of eating fish at a location where they intended to fish, they would be more likely refrain eating the fish or passing the fish on to those at risk. The way to protect the public is to eliminate the source(s) and post the creek.
I appreciate the opportunity to comment on ATSDR's Phase II document.
Julie Roth, Ex. Dir.
cc: DSCSOC's Ex. Board
Dr. G. Fred Lee
Jane Riggan, CDHS