Comment on DOE Oakland's Considering a Ten Year Plan for Remediation of the LEHR Site
G. Fred Lee & Associates
27298 E. El Macero Dr.
El Macero, California 95618-1005
Tel. (916) 753-9630 Fax (916) 753-9956
e-mail [email protected]
Via e-mail
January 25, 1997
Julie Roth
Dear Julie:
Following up on our discussions regarding DOE Oakland's (James T. Davis') note sent by Susan Fields on January 24, 1997 via e-mail regarding a ten year plan public workshop which is to be held on January 30, 1997 in Oakland, I find it inappropriate that DOE Oakland is announcing a workshop to consider a ten year plan for remediation of the LEHR site on January 24, 1997, less than a week from when the workshop is scheduled. This is even more inappropriate in light of the fact that as of yet DOE Oakland has not made available the revisions in the ten year plan for LEHR site remediation to DSCSOC and I presume others. As you know, DOE Oakland released its first version of the ten year plan last spring. This draft plan was found to have significant problems. DOE Oakland issued a revised draft plan for LEHR site remediation in July 1996. It was this plan that had the statement, apparently made by J. Littlejohn, that claimed that the "public" was interfering with DOE Oakland's ability to clean up the LEHR site. When DSCSOC asked DOE Oakland to provide specific information on how the public was supposedly interfering with DOE Oakland's ability to clean up the site, DOE Oakland responded that the July version of the draft LEHR site clean-up plan was in error with respect to making that statement. This appears to be more of J. Littlejohn's superficial approach to addressing issues that, when reviewed, shows that his assessment of issues is invalid.
We understand from an RMP meeting that the revised plan for LEHR site remediation will not contain such a statement, and it will correct other errors made in the previous drafts. As of yet, however, the final version of the draft plan is not available for review four days ahead of when the public workshop to consider it is being held. Mr. Davis stated in his January 24, 1997 letter, "the draft plans for each site will also be available in their respective repositories by January 15, 1997....These locations are: ...Laboratory for Energy-related Health Research, Davis/Yolo County Library...." I understand you went to the Davis/Yolo County Library on January 24, 1997 to see if the revised draft plan was present in the library, as stated in Mr. J.T. Davis' letter of that date, and neither you nor the librarian could find this plan. This situation represents more of the highly disorganized approach by DOE Oakland in addressing the issues of concern to the public at the LEHR site. Clearly, DOE Oakland must provide the public with adequate opportunity to review a final draft plan before a workshop is held regarding it.
I suggest DSCSOC notify DOE Oakland, UCD, and the RPM's that DOE Oakland should provide DSCSOC and the libraries with a copy of the revised draft plan for the LEHR site remediation. DSCSOC and the public should be given a 30 day period from when the draft plan for remediation of the LEHR site is, in fact, received by DSCSOC and is deposited in the libraries in the Davis region. DSCSOC should review the draft plan during this period and notify DOE Oakland whether they wish to have a presentation and discussion of the draft plan in the Davis region at a mutually agreeable time.
If you have questions on these comments, please contact me.
Sincerely yours,
G. Fred Lee, PhD, DEE